DIY Investor Magazine | Issue 29
Page 22 - DIY Investor Magazine | Issue 29
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With a 96% active share, the trust is free to explore across the market cap spectrum, to go ‘wherever the best ideas are’ says Weindling, to ‘invest in the companies in which we have the highest conviction.’
This gives investors an advantage over index-linked Japanese funds which are exposed to monolithic brands and sectors traditionally associated with the country such as auto manufacturing and consumer electronics that face structural challenges and slow growth.
Instead, says Weindling, the team assess potential holdings on set criteria: ‘Do we want to own it in the long term? Does
it have the right economics, duration, governance, cashflow, sustainable returns, margin growth, competitive environment, strong balance sheets... and is ESG integrated into everything it does?’
However, the bar is set high: Weindling reveals: ‘few companies in Japan tick all those boxes.’
For Weindling, unearthing the treasures of the Japanese market and adding real value for investors are among the most rewarding aspects of managing the fund.
Important information
Having such a rich market helps: ‘As a portfolio manager, you want a market where you’ve got the tools to be able to out- perform and Japan is perfect for that.’ Weindling’s passion for out-performance is evident. The trust’s performance speaks for itself. Morningstar awarded it a Silver Analyst Rating and five- stars for both sustainability and its overall rating 4.
This all adds up to an attractive proposition for investors seeking long-term returns; Weindling and the team hope to continue delivering just that in his next decade at the helm of JFJ.
More information about JPMorgan Japanese Investment Trust plc here >
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Select JP Morgan Japanese Investment Trust (JFJ) - GB0001740025
1 GBP 1286.96 Mn as of 31 January 2021. Source: JP Morgan Asset Management/Morningstar. 2 The Association of Investment Companies as at 15 March 2021
3 JFJ quarterly rolling 12 month performance as at end of December 2020 (%) 2015/2016 11.26, 2016/2017 34.89, 2017/2018 -13.59, 2018/2019 23.62, 2019/2020 60.92. Benchmark: Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section Index (TOPIX) (£)
4 Morningstar ratings as of 28/02/2021. ©2021 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete, or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
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DIY Investor Magazine | Jun 2021 22