DIY Investor Magazine
March 2016
However, despite the uncertainty of markets and the
fragility of the world economy, ISA wrappers are still the
DIY investor’s friend when it comes to sheltering income
on investments from the tax man; already bolstered by
the introduction of the Help to Buy ISA, the forthcoming
Innovative Finance ISA and increased flexibility, Mr
Osborne has just delivered a big shot in the arm
to what was feared to be a flagging ISA sector by
promising a hike in the annual subscription allowance
and announcing the ‘Lifetime ISA’.
With effect from April 2017 the annual limit will rise to
£20,000 from £15,240 in 2016/7 and those under 40
will be able to use a Lifetime ISA to either buy a home
or fund their retirement, boosted by a 25% bonus from
the government.
Savers will be able to put in up to £4,000 a year, with an
annual bonus of up to £1,000 paid until the age of 50; it
will be possible to have both a standard and a Lifetime
ISA, subject to the £20,000 limit.
First time buyers wishing to purchase a property with
a Lifetime ISA will be able to do so after just a year,
whereas those using it for retirement will have to wait
until age 60 to realise the benefit; with more flexibility
than a personal pension, the Lifetime ISA is more than
a nod toward the Pension ISA that was mooted in the
run up to the budget.
The ISA vs pension conundrum is likely to remain
contentious for the DIY investor.
Closer to home, after two years of delivering timely
information and content to existing investors, DIY
Investor Magazine now has a public face with the
launch of DIY Investor
The site delivers detailed information about investment
options by key industry figures and commentators as
well as practical experience from those that have used
them in pursuit of their financial objectives.
DIY Investor is there to inform and engage the huge
number of people now looking to take control of their
financial future and by allowing them to come together
to share knowledge and pool experience it will be the
motive force behind a DIY investing revolution.