DIY Investor Magazine
Oct 2017
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As the graph shows, the cautious Saltydog Tugboat
portfolio has by and large avoided the five major
stock market falls over the past six years, and yet still
produces an average annual return of more than 7%.
Not everybody will have the ability or temperament to
run their own investment portfolio, but there are many
who could if they tried.
Today, DIY investing is possible for anybody with a
computer and access to the internet; the arrival of fund
supermarkets has made it cheap, quick and easy.
To be a successful momentum investor, following strong
performance, you need continuous up-to-date accurate
information, and it is vital that decisions should not be
based on rumour, speculation and hearsay.
The Saltydog Investor was developed to assist people
in making these initial steps. We are enthusiastic
advocates of active fund momentum investing, and
issue weekly unbiased performance numbers to use for
We invest in funds, and advocate that investment
decisions should be based on selecting the Investment
Association sector fi rst and the fund second. When a
sector is performing well, like a rising tide it will float all
the funds in that sector.
A momentum strategy has energy and strength to
produce the growth that we are looking to achieve.
Saltydog Investor is the UK`s first fund performance
data monthly subscription newsletter which provides a
weekly electronic fund performance data feed, aimed at
the D.I.Y. investor.
It provides listings of the top ten percentage of
performing funds, sorted by sector and volatility, in
an easy to understand, accessible format. Saltydog
Investor is designed to encourage and enable lay
investors to manage their own investments.
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