DIY Investor Magazine
Oct 2017
Given the strength of the economic recovery across
Europe, it is no surprise to see a small amount of
strength in the euro against the US dollar, but this
arguably went too far when the currency reached $1.20
(on 28 August 2017).
German 10 year bunds (government bonds) have seen
yields move away from the negative levels of a year ago,
I believe the strong euro will undoubtedly become a
headwind for earnings however, and there has been a
trend of analyst downgrades over the last few weeks for
those companies that make a significant proportion of
their earnings in US dollars.
European earnings growth on average may plateau at
about 10–12% in 2017 after all, with 2018 struggling to
reach similar levels. But it is worth putting these figures
in context. Europe has struggled in previous years to
generate the earnings growth that many expected.
It seems to have gained traction in 2017, and there are
many sectors, not least financials, where the earnings
bounce back may remain strong into 2018.
While European markets have performed very well
for sterling investors, in local currency terms Europe’s
leading markets have risen by less than 5% in most
cases so far this year (to 31st August 2017).
That seems a rather begrudging response to political
stability (outside the UK) and a return to economic and
earnings growth, so I suspect that there is still scope for
good performance from European equities over the next
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